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Date(s) - 11/19/2019
8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Brown University / Stephen Robert '62 Campus Center




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SNEAPPA’s Fall Meeting at Brown University on November 19, 2019 was the highest attended meeting in the organization’s history!  We appreciate your participation!

Keen interest was expressed by the audience as Faculty and Facilities team members each shared latest University accomplishments under their direction.  Professor Stephen Porder discussed the rationale in moving toward becoming a fossil-free campus, while Monty Combs generously shared the benefits from Brown’s implementation of the Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), a technology solution to enable FM to better serve customers and the University’s mission.

Campus tours highlighted Brown’s sustainability and grounds projects following lunch.

Professor Porder and Mr. Combs have provided their presentations — simply click the links below to view:

Brown University’s Move Toward a Fossil Free Campus – Brown shares its plans, accomplishments, and challenges of their newly established collaborative team as they move forward to develop a University strategy for sustainability.  Presenter: Stephen Porder, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Fellow in the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, Assistant Provost for Sustainability, Brown University

Brown University’s Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) – Brown’s Facilities Management is implementing a technology solution that will enable FM to better serve both the customers and University mission by positioning them to take advantage.  Presenter: Monty Combs, Director of Systems & Services, Brown University


Event registration are closed for this event.